(D1) Post number 1
As part of returning to study, I had some questions around how to best record my reflections. We also had to provide artefacts and set learning goals! And stay in the yellow zone. And use digital technology. And learn myPortfolio. Add manage our study day. And keep up with study. And have a life. How is the best way for me to do this? I do enjoy writing and have found a blog useful in the past, so here goes!
My plan, loosely in my head, was to work my way through the reading part and then tackle how to make this work with the Domain 1 Assignment. It rapidly became clear that I needed to put that to the side and start the myPortfolio Domain 1 page. I had started it last Saturday in order to just start my journey and make my head happier (Wellbeing goal started - tick!). This is what I started with:
This was the beginning of my journey to get started and I felt a bit better. I had set myself a goal of two hours and in that time I read the Introduction and made a start on my myPortfolio stuff. I had also thought about how might be the best way to record my notes etc. The last time I studied I used a notebook and I worked out by about the fifth assignment (!) that if I find something in a reading I like, that I need to write down the page reference AS WELL AS the quote so I could find it again. In order to do that, I needed something to write it in. Here began my literal journey to Paper Plus to find said thing to write stuff in. It helped that I had a voucher as well. Thanks Kirsten.
So now that part was done and I had a way of making notes that hopefully would work for me.
Fast forward six days and it is time for my first study day. Again, my loose plan was to read through the readings so I could be finished with them and really get stuck into the myPortfolio stuff. And now another issue had arisen. How to turn my loose plans into concrete ones that will work for me and look after my wellbeing and hit goal number three and provide artefacts and help me not go down the rabbit hole!
One of the sayings going around the office is 'How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.' I thought I'd google this and I found a link to a YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZpAYmUpx44#action=share
This seemed like a nice way to kill two birds with one stone and learn how to embed a video. But first, I need to go for a walk to celebrate starting this blog.
Wonderings and next learning steps:
What is the take out or so what for this?
Adding a document.
Watch the tech thingy.
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