What is Inclusive Education?
"Every person, whatever the level of his academic ability, whether he be rich or poor, whether he live in town or country, has the right, as a citizen, to a free education of a kind for which he is best suited and to the fullest extent of his powers." ("1948, Clarence Beeby: Father of modern education", 2020)
I have always felt this quote (despite the archaic language) sums up inclusive education as I think of it. It covers all locations and talks about how suited everyone is and invites all to be educated in a way that suits them.
What is inclusive education to me? Everyone is included and the education is tailored to meet everyone's needs. Needs is a broad term that includes physical health and mental health, to name two that I can think of at the moment. Where do you actually start? I'm hoping that readings will help to narrow things down and crystallise thoughts.
I have always felt this quote (despite the archaic language) sums up inclusive education as I think of it. It covers all locations and talks about how suited everyone is and invites all to be educated in a way that suits them.
What is inclusive education to me? Everyone is included and the education is tailored to meet everyone's needs. Needs is a broad term that includes physical health and mental health, to name two that I can think of at the moment. Where do you actually start? I'm hoping that readings will help to narrow things down and crystallise thoughts.
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